Brief summage of what got past in the officers meeting on 01-01-2009 (Erratums may occur)
MEETING CALLED BY Joseph Middleton (Screen Name: Joe Middleton)
TYPE OF MEETING Informal (Officers & Leader)
NOTE TAKER Joseph Middleton/Jerone
ATTENDEES Jerone, James, Joseph, Beth, Maria (Observer)
Agenda topics
We talked about what is a good way to recruit.
We are gonna have an extra meeting for this, so there is no agreement on this yet. We hope that after a conversation with Kris we have a solution.
For having a good guild you got to have some events to keep the moral up.
Therefor Xiaren Bloodlust has taken the responsability to organize events together with a volunteer group.
Hereby an announcement, there will be an event in january this year.
Code of conduct
"To ensure good relations with Guild Members and Alliance members an acceptable code of conduct is to be developed, ensuring positive and safe environment for players to enjoy the game in."
In this way Joe Middleton has been assigned as Guild Relations Manager.
He will be negotiator when there are problems within the guild/ alliance.
Help policy
There always members in need out there, now we need some rules how and when to help them.
"Our conclusions:
To assist Guild Members as much as possible, yet always reserving the right to refuse assistance at the assistants discretion.
To provide help only if prepared to, to alliance members.
At no point should items or gold be provided for free, unless at the owners discretion
Any “begging” should be reported to any officer or leader."
We want to maintain a good guild, therefor we want some goals to be achieved at the end of march.
-30 members
-150.000-200.000 Faction points
-Developing Guild services (work in progress)
Guild announcements
So there is a clear line in what we think is appropiate to put in the Guild Announcesments
Therefor: "All guild announcements to be made by Guild Leader unless in emergency or absence of Guild Leader.
Officers reserve the right to remove any content deemed inappropriate followed by an investigation by Guild Leader, officers/Members responsible and one observational officer/member.
Officer Positions
Jerone- Guild Leader
Beth – Guild Events Coördinator
Kris – Guild Recruitment Manager
Joe – Guild Relations Manager
Clicking this link will give you acess to the full notes of the meeting.